We are indicating more than ten years without Dr. Goldratt, or as we all called him, Eli. Eli, the father of the Theory of constraint (TOC) has influenced so many. Sadly, his huge loss was not been marked as he deserves, and therefore, I’m writing this post for his memory of a great leader, a great person, and the best teacher I ever had.
TOC was developed over the years layer by layer; the concepts of flow were implemented on more and more fields, catching the attention of more and more people globally bringing more and more growth, stability, and harmony to all kinds of companies all over the world.
Eli Goldratt was an educator, author, scientist, philosopher, and business leader. But he was, first and foremost, a thinker who provoked others to think. Dr. Goldratt created and developed the Theory of Constraints that embodies a methodology to help organizations and individuals. He is internationally renowned as a leader in the development of new management methodologies, whose work continues expanding worldwide through consultants, academics, and educators, and is used by numerous multinational companies.
He introduced the TOC concepts in his best seller “The Goal”, a management manual written in the form of a novel. This book was followed by various works, notably including “It’s not luck”, “Critical chain”, “Necessary but not sufficient”, “The Choice”, and “Isn’t it obvious?”
1947- Died 2011 (the text from Eli’s gravestone) – “I smile and start to count on my fingers: One, people are good. Two, every conflict can be removed. Three, every situation, no matter how complex it initially looks, is exceedingly simple. Four, every situation can be substantially improved; even the sky is not the limit. Five, every person can reach a full life. Six, there is always a win/win solution. Shall I continue to count?”
Eli was my teacher and my friend. I had the privilege of been asked to lament Eli at his funeral. Few lines from my eulogy can explain what Eli was to me – “He was a philosopher and an inventor, and the extremely precious time we spent together exposed me to the ideas that were born that very moment, to new processes, new insights that one minute earlier we had no idea about their very existence. He never stood in one place – always renewing, progressing, storming forwards and swept us to follow him. In his presence, the brain cogs were always on overtime, never resting, for he demanded of us, his disciples, to try and run with him at the speed of his thought – and so many times we failed…Eli, I have been most privileged and honored, I received a wonderful gift – to be one of your closest students, and I will close with the last words of our last conversation, from only a few days ago – I told you, there are no words with which I can thank you, Eli, only actions! I will continue on your path”.
And years later, after establishing Progressive Flow, and Progressive Labs, and so many additional plans for the future to make TOC the main way, me as many of the TOC community are really fulfilling this promise.